I realize that I have not posted as regularly as I have wanted to this summer, but I have had an accomplished summer. I have been very involved in helping organize my 20th class reunion and it has taken up a lot of my time. We have had some other exciting times this summer though....

Seth had two weeks of swimming lessons at Raynez Swim School. Of course, he took to the water like a fish and was going under water voluntarily by the end of the 2nd week. Did I mention we couldn't get him to stop drinking the water--like a fish--what can I say?

Because of many hot days, we made sure that we frequented one of the three inflated jumping venues (where were these when I was a kid?) in town. All of these were air conditioned, and Seth enjoyed time there with cousins Margaret, Carson, and Caitlyn, and his buddy, Noah from Texas.

We enjoyed spending time with Carson and Caitlyn in the pool at Mama Jane and Papa Gene's house as well as taking in Ice Age 3 with them (this was Seth's first movie in a theater--and he did wonderfully). We met up with the Younts on a stormy night at Moe's and Edie and Seth got a chance to catch up on lost times and even enjoyed dancing to the live music!

We even went to the beach in August! We journeyed down to visit Rob's sister, Jacque and her family where we got to spend some time at Murrells Inlet and at the ocean.

We were so happy to catch up with the Ingrams on their annual trip back to NC for the summer. I got to eat lunch with Reiko and we could have visited all afternoon except for the kids wanting to go to the Jumpin' Monkey (see above). We finished up our day by eating at McAllister's Deli (where kids eat free on Tuesday).

And what a wonderful way to wrap up a summer vacation, but with a Nertz-tastic Tournament at the Conovers'! Rob nor I had good nights--I guess we were still enjoying our vacation--but we had a lot of fun and fellowship!
So that is our summer wrap-up...and I guess I should be going to bed considering that I have to go to school tomorrow. Good night until the next entry (which should be sooner than later).