Seth's fascination with pirates is incredible. He thinks he is Captain Feathersword from The Wiggles. He has a feathersword that he takes everywhere but school and bed with him. Whenever we journey down towards Greenville Boulevard, he eyeballs the water tank behind Barnes and Noble and yells, "PeeDee the Pirate!" Greenville now has several pirate statues at different businesses throughout the city. On a recent Sunday afternoon outing, we decided to stop at Bailey's Jewelers to take Seth's picture with the pirate. Seth was scared of the pirate. He wanted nothing to do with the pirate unless I stood with him. Rob said it was probably because he didn't know this pirate like he knew PeeDee and Captain Feathersword. We inched closer to the pirate and talked about his beard and his treasure. Seth finally agreed to a picture. We would like to get more pictures with the pirates around the city.
I don't blame him. That pirate is a lot scarier than Pee Dee or Captain Feathersword. I'm with him on this one. :)
thanks, it is a huge relief! i'm excited about it, even though i'm cutting my summer short.
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