And other things, like birthday parties....Rob celebrated 40 years in October and it seems like we have had many birthday parties to attend on recent weekends--especially Seth's friends.
Here is another good one of Rob's 40th along with his appropriate gifts--denture cleanser, prune juice, senior vitamins and a notebook to remind him where he parked his car--courtesy of Joe!
And we had Trunk or Treat at church the Wednesday before Halloween. We as a family decided to be the Cat in the Hat (Rob), Thing 1 (Seth) and Thing 2 (me).
This is really A LOT more thrown together than it and white felt with black puffy paint can do a whole lot for a costume!
And then we had Halloween, where we went over to the Jetts' annual Halloween get together. They have a great neighborhood for trick-or-treating (ours is pretty good, too) because so many people decorate their houses and yards.
My pregnancy is going well, and I do have some more ultrasound photos to post, although I have not scanned them in yet--maybe I can add that to my list for Friday! :-) We are having a little girl, for those of you who don't know. Seth is excited as are we. It seems a little tougher this time to get into new baby mode. There is a lot to be done and I continue to put it off, and BOOM here we are at 21 weeks. I keep telling myself things will fall into place, and I know they will with the help of friends, family, and especially GRANDPARENTS! I continue to be tired, but nothing like I was. As long as I continue to move, I do pretty well. It's the sitting still that gets me.
We did have a family photo done a few weeks ago that we plan on using for our Christmas card this year. This actually accomplished 2 things--the Christmas card and a family picture before the baby comes. Some childhood friends of mine did the picture shoot and they do a great job--Sister Snaps Photography . Here is one of our favorite shots:

Rob and I recently celebrated our 12th wedding anniversary. We shipped Seth off to my parents' for the weekend and went to Raleigh for the day to enjoy ourselves--Christmas shopping, Carrabbas', Aunt Anne's cinnamon sugar pretzels, decaf pumpkin spice latte (me) and hot chocolate (Rob). It was a nice, although tiring, day!
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